Solving Your Design Dilemma: Window Treatments for Small Windows

(I know-- the above picture isn't a window, just a pretty holiday vignette)
Happy Friday, All! Winter Break is about to start for my 7-year-old and my husband will be taking some vacation time. This usually means more work for me but I'll be able to sleep past 5:45am so I'm counting my blessings. :) In between designing, last minute Christmas shopping, chores, errands, and entertaining the crew-- hashtag momlife-- I'll be squeezing in some time for the social media aspect of my business, which includes providing my readers and clients with (what I hope is) useful and valuable design information.
Facebook Live!
In case you haven't caught us yet, my friend and fellow designer, Cate Holcombe, and I began doing a weekly Facebook Live video. It's a work in progress, for sure. And Santa needs to bring me a new iPhone because my old phone sure ain't cuttin' it on the live video stream. To be honest, it's both fun and painfully awkward but I'm trying! With our weekly video, Cate and I are attempting to find a balance between bringing you content and being (somewhat) entertaining. We'd love your participation, which would take some of the heat off of us.
We've asked viewers to submit their design questions to answer during our weekly video, which typically airs around noon on Fridays. If you can't catch us live, you can find the recorded video on my FB business page, here. This week Cate will be attending her daughter's holiday performance at school, so we will resume our program next week. If you join us, bring a glass of holiday cheer!
In the meantime, Cate has done a bang-up job of answering one viewer's question about designing window treatments for small windows. You can read the blog post by clicking on the photo below. Enjoy! Oh yeah, and don't forget to subscribe to my blog here.
Click on the photo to read Cate's response to the Design
Dilemma of the Week!